You'd Never Guess How All the Pink Rangers Teamed Up!

You'd Never Guess How All the Pink Rangers Teamed Up!

2 Minute Read

This is how the comics made the Metallic Armor better.

Kimberly learns from Trini the existence of other Rangers beyond just them and the Omega Rangers. This begins to create doubt in herself, as well as a feeling that she is replaceable.

It leads her to ask Billy for help upgrading their powers, which she hopes would address her feelings of inadequacy.

Combing through the archives, Billy is able to unearth files that point to a possible upgrade, and sends both Kim and Tommy into the pocket dimension to test his designs.

Calling upon the Metallic Armor, the pair easily dispatch the various enemies that Billy has built into the simulation.

But the armors’ huge energy draw on the Morphin Grid causes errors in the dimension, stranding the Rangers and drawing in copies of future archenemies like Sledge and Trakeena!

When Tommy is injured fighting the much more powerful villains, Kimberly retreats, and the Pink Emissary appears to her. They explain that while the unstable Metallic Armor played a part, it was ultimately Kimberly’s fear of the future that drew in the villains.

Restoring her memories of the events of Shattered Grid, Kim realizes that the future Ranger teams aren’t replacements for her or her friends, but are the ones who would carry on the fight against evil!

Comforted by this, she is able to summon copies of future Pink Rangers to help her destroy the villains and return her and Tommy to the real world.

Read this for yourself in Mighty Morphin / Power Rangers Book 3 Deluxe Edition:

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